With the rise in the number of vehicles over the years, there has been a rise in the number of problems associated with it. Especially in the context of parking security, the present deployments are not enough to tackle the problems. Organizations and other private bodies are still depending on yesteryears systems to deal with problems related to managing and securing the vehicles. With IP video surveillance automizing the whole parking management process, relying on outdated measures would just lead to incurring unnecessary costs and poor security results. Speaking of one of the biggest problems in parking management is vehicle theft which is one of the unsolved problems even by the police in present times. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, in 2019, a total number of 2,37,884 incidents of vehicle theft were reported in India. Also, the number seems to be rising year after year. With the introduction of modern surveillance systems with intelligent video analytics, such incidents can be avoided and minimized by identifying the convict immediately. Here is how intelligent video analytics assists in parking management:
The first video analytic that is revolutionizing parking video surveillance is automatic number plate recognition. The video analytic works on an algorithm that recognizes the number plate on the vehicle. Next, it converts the stream from parking security cameras into a digital image. Further, the image is then verified with the system database that has all the details regarding the vehicle such as the registered number plate, the driver’s information, and other secondary information for the operator’s convenience. The primary benefit of this search engine is that only authorized vehicles are given entry in the parking premises. As a result, unauthorized or blacklisted vehicle entry is eliminated and suspicious activity is avoided.Â
The second video analytic that aids the parking operator in controlling the parking premises is object size detection. Here, by configuring the parking security system the user can streamline the vehicle entry and exit. The analytic works by where the user pre-configures the dimensions of the vehicle or the slot in the system by mentioning the maximum and minimum. As the vehicle enters the slot then the camera sends a notification to the system that the slot has been occupied. It helps the operator streamline the flow of the vehicles in the parking premises. A straight benefit of the same is if the vehicle leaves its spot other than the predefined time, the operator gets an instant notification. Hence, in case of any vehicle theft, the same can be avoided.
Another way to streamline vehicle management is by integrating the parking security system with the in/out controller sensor. It senses the vehicle occupancy in a particular spot as soon as the vehicle enters the wavelength of the IR (Infrared) beam of the in/out controller. Next, it sends an instant notification to the operator that the slot has been occupied. A clear benefit of the same is that it automizes the vehicle management process.
Other benefits of the analytics are it helps the operator solve issues such as improper parking, wrong slot occupancy, parking in no parking area, etc. All these advances, in terms of parking management, are pointing towards an automated system driven by video analytics to minimize the parking woes. Â
Now, for the solution to deliver a proactive response, the solution should be quick enough to identify the vehicle and send an instant notification. For effortless management of parking, Matrix has designed its parking management solution which is a part of their video management system to deliver proactive security to your parking premises. The system’s Automatic Number Plate Recognition engine is one of the quickest search engines in the market to recognize the vehicle’s number plate and extract the data from the database. The total time taken for this process is 65ms (millisecond) which is quicker than blinking an eye.
Therefore, contacting these experts for your parking woes would be a wise choice. You can write down your parking issues at Inquiry@MatrixComsec.com or you can contact them on their toll-free number 1800 258 7747.