Industry : Transportation and Logistics
Users : 1000+
Devices : 35+ Access Control Devices
Location :1. Head Office – Geneva, 2. Branch Office – Jeddah and 15+ locations
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. (MSC) is the world’s second-largest shipping line in terms of container vessel capacity. It operates 480 offices across 155 countries worldwide with over 24,000 employees. MSC’s shipping line sails on more than 200 trade routes, calling at over 315 ports.
MSc searched for options to manage attendance in the office spread across 15+ locations. A central server that can handle the capacity of 1000+ users and can seamlessly integrate with their accounting software – SAP.
Additionally, they required a fool-proof solution that can assist them to manage multiple shifts with automated shift correction options and work hours calculation in overnight shifts and more!
Matrix addressed these challenges by proposing a Door Controller for the locations connected by a central platform. This Time-Attendance Solution helps them to procure accurate attendance details of an employee in no time!
Furthermore, this attendance data is integrated with accounting software – SAP for seamless attendance and payroll management. The offered solution deploys the Access Control Solution that enables complete security of all their units. COSEC PVR Door Controller – a contactless biometric that is engineered to offer the utmost security, eliminates the risk for forgery or identity duplication.
- Effortless Attendance Management of All Location from Head Office
- Multiple Connectivity Options
- Streamlined Shift Allocation and Automated Shift Correction
- Seamless Integration with SAP
- Customized Attendance Policy Formation
- Real-time Alert on Attendance Related Event & Auto Scheduled Reporting
- No Correction Required for Overnight Shift Environment
Palm Vein Door Controller - COSEC CENTRA LE
Application Server Platform with 1000 Users - COSEC LE TAM
Time Attendance Software Module - COSEC LE ACM
Access Control Software Module