The success of any Time-Attendance solution lies in the flexibility it offers and simplifying the functions of report generation and notifications for HR, admin, managers and employees. Matrix COSEC is a web based flexible and scalable Time-Attendance solution designed for enterprises keeping in mind these basic but important challenges. Let us see how exactly COSEC Time-Attendance solution does this.
Report generation
Attendance reports are the final outcome required off of any Time-Attendance solution. Reports play an important role not only in terms of aiding with future decision making but also in salary calculation, employee movement monitoring and other such interpretations. COSEC Time-Attendance solution allows HR/admin to create 200+ reports and charts using various filters and formats. They can also create customized reports with respect to organization, department or for a selected group of users and period. Furthermore, these reports can be exported in various file formats that include PDF, Excel, Word, RTF, CSC and TXT.
Another advantageous feature that COSEC provides with its Time-Attendance solution is scheduler service. If HR/admin is required to send a daily report to reporting managers or directors, they can schedule the same through COSEC. A daily report will automatically be sent at the set date and time to the respective manager or director.
COSEC can send SMS and email notifications to employees as well as their reporting managers with respect to various events that include leave application, approval/rejection, missing in/out punch, user entry/exit, monthly attendance, etc. This instant notification service proves beneficial for employees as well as their reporting managers if any immediate action is required to be taken. Furthermore, attendance related issues can be resolved on an immediate basis.
Benefits of Report generation and Notifications
Organizations, reporting managers and employees can garner numerous benefits off of these features. The benefits of these features are as listed below:
• Easy Interpretation
• Enhanced Decision Making
• Quicker Response to Exceptional Situations
• Better Control and Monitoring
• Enhanced Employee Satisfaction
• Improves Overall Productivity
• Reduces Manual Intervention
• Prevents Misuse of Policy