The rapid growth of globalization has resulted in an influx of visitors to organizations on a daily basis, including suppliers, customers, potential hires, sales representatives, guests, government officials, employees’ relatives, and even unknown individuals. Efficiently and thoroughly screening every visitor entering the premises has become a critical challenge for organizations. To ensure overall safety and enhanced security, maintaining records of all incoming and outgoing individuals is essential. However, manual entry of visitor data introduces errors and poses a significant challenge.
Therefore, an automated system is required to replace manual entry and overcome these challenges. Available as an on-premise as well as an on-cloud solution, Matrix COSEC Visitor Management provides a professional and systematic solution to address these concerns without compromising security, hospitality, or productivity. By automating the visitor registration process, pass printing, and capturing detailed information within seconds, Matrix Visitor Management Module streamlines the entire visitor management process.
Hassle-free Visitor Registration Process

Control Visitor Access in Sensitive Areas

Real-time Visitor Tracking for Quick Action

Informative Visitors Reports