The biggest challenge multi-site manufacturing industry faces today is communication gap between the different production units. Lack of proper and timely communication leads to delayed product delivery and can affect the production of the assembled goods, thereby putting a strain on processes leading to resource wastage. Bad communication can also lead to severe efficiency deficit, which in turn takes a toll on the company’s reputation.
Racold Thermo Pvt. Ltd. is a leading manufacturer and marketer of water and space heating products and their components. An ISO 9001:2008 company, Racold is a subsidiary of the well-known Italian thermic comfort Ariston Thermo headquartered at Fabriano. Racold Thermo Pvt. Ltd., rightly called the hot water specialist, is the biggest provider of complete water heating solution to domestic, commercial and industrial sectors in India. Racold has many technology firsts to its credit such as SPHP (Super Polymer High Performance), water heater with digital timer, temperature display and external thermostat control, PUF insulation, rust proof polypropylene body, special purpose stainless steel and high-pressure application products.
Since Racold has a big manufacturing layout scattered over various cities, problems of coordination between the units over the matter of production and distribution led the company authorities scouting for a compact communication solution. The requirement was to link each individual unit with each other so that peer-to-peer communication can be made across any two units of the company. The manufacturing units located at large distances presented the primitive challenge for installation. The distance made it impractical to lay down cables for connections. The indispensable need was also to reduce internal communication costs by bringing multiple units over the same network. Company wanted its users to have access to traditional as well as modern age networks with Mobility Extensions being given to the main PC consoles for the operators to use.
- Collaboration amongst the Far Flung Offices
- Intra-departmental Connectivity
- Integration with Third Party PBX
- Switch to Latest Communication Technology
Owing to the specificity of the solution required and the challenge that the installation posed, the company authorities tested Matrix solutions on different parameters of reliability, ruggedness and versatility. Considering the variety of applications and a wide product range suiting exactly to their distinct needs, the company authorities invested in Matrix Telecom solutions. Installation was done by a team of indigenous engineers at Matrix in association with Enkay Infosol.
Feature Copious IP-PBX for Growing Enterprises
Two units were endowed with IP-PBXs designed for the requirements of the growing enterprise. The PBXs were installed at the units located in Pune because of the need of a system with higher user capacity. Each of the system was given access to an Analog trunk for making outbound calls. The systems were then configured on a common VOIP network to make them part of a common communication lattice. A total of 62 Analog and 30 IP extensions were given on one of the IP-PBXs and the other was connected to 30 Analog extensions.
Small Enterprise Focused IP-PBXs
A total of five IP-PBXs were installed in the remaining locations. The VOIP servers were configured to the communication loop to link them to the other IP-PBXs. The EPABXs were given IP for the in-house usage.
Improved Communication Convenience with Feature Loaded User Terminals
The ease of communication was provided with Matrix series of Digital Key Phones. The Digital Phones loaded with features like High Quality Speakerphone, Corporate Directory, Voicemail and Backlit LCD, helped the professionals conduct communication smoothly. User Terminals of a different brand were employed at certain locations and integrated with the Matrix IP-PBX to ensure connectivity between multiple departments.
UC Client for Seamless Collaboration
The central desktop computers were empowered as switch or extended extension to the console. It offers real-time features such as Video Calling, Presence Sharing, Instant Messaging, Drag-and-Drop Conference and BLF Keys (up to 600). The client is meant to elevate communication effectiveness and business productivity to the next level.
Intuitive User Interface for Management
Web based management enables the IT administrator to monitor system performance from any location, reducing the frequency of system maintenance. The engineer can sort any issue in the system regardless of his location, ensuring minimal downtime.
Intuitive User Interface for Management
Web based management enables the IT administrator to monitor system performance from any location, reducing the frequency of system maintenance. The engineer can sort any issue in the system regardless of his location, ensuring minimal downtime.
Peer-to-Peer Connect Between Employees
Laying out of a single communication net made possible the connectivity between any two employees of the company. The network eliminated bounds of distance and network, bringing the units closer in terms of communiqué.
Curtailed Telephony Expenditure
Use of IP technology lower the call cost at the benefit of increased call timings. VOIP made the call cost virtually zero as no money was paid to the service providers. VOIP calls also provided plug and pay conferencing ability with better and clearer voice.
Eliminating the Need for a Deskphone
UC client acted as mobile deskphone, thereby empowering the users with a terminal solution, regardless of geographic location and device platform. The feature-rich client not only extended the versatility of the usage but also allowed single number telephony.
Reduced Process Delay
Seamless communication between the units allowed better harmonization of manufacturing and delivery processes between the units, thereby reducing delays and saving added expenditure to the company. This also bought satisfaction to the company clients who were delivered consignments on time.