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“Make in India” and What it Means for Indian CCTV Manufacturers? 

The global pandemic deeply impacted various industries in ways more than one. Covid-19 was not just a story of death, destruction, and fear it also caused an economic upheaval far bigger than the Great Depression of 1929-39. 

However, a less talked about topic is the rise in data breaches and ransomware attacks during lockdowns. This brought the cyber-vulnerabilities of physical security systems to the forefront and many countries started contemplating ways to mitigate the threat. 

A few countries also detected a flaw in their Chinese CCTV cameras that led them to connect to their servers in China. The USA went ahead to ban all products manufactured, assembled, or imported from China that were stocked within US military post exchanges or commissaries (in an amendment to the NDAA). 

In India, skepticism for Chinese products alongside geopolitical tensions brought the focus back to atmanirbharta giving a fresh impetus to the “Make in India” initiative. Prime Minister stressed that self-resilience is important, especially for national security. This led to corporates looking for top CCTV brands in India to meet their physical security requirements.

The Make in India initiative dates to Sep 25, 2014, to encourage manufacturing in India and boost the economy through dedicated investments in manufacturing. Here is a lowdown of some of the reasons why corporates should opt for the best CCTV camera brands in India

Give a Boost to CCTV Manufacturing in India

One of the significant aims of the “Make in India” initiative was to give a boost to the manufacturing sector by attracting foreign investment and improving India’s ranking in “Ease of doing Business”.  Companies would be able to come and manufacture in India and easily sell their products all over the globe. The vision was to make India the hub of Manufacturing, Design, and innovation. 

CCTV Manufacturers in India could Help Ease Out Security Concerns

Physical security systems capture a significant amount of data. Thus, it is of utmost importance to procure them from reliable sources, or else it could lead to cyber vulnerabilities. For this reason, many countries started looking for options beyond Chinese companies. CCTV manufacturers in India could fill in the gap and become a reliable choice, especially for government agencies the world over.

Generate Manufacturing Jobs in the Country

It was estimated that the manufacturing sector will grow at the rate of 12-14 percent and generate up to 100 million manufacturing jobs. This will lead to a great deal of skill development initiatives by domestic and international corporations. Additionally, it will lead to the development of modern and efficient infrastructure. Initiatives such as this would contribute to the Indian economy.

Encourage Innovations in The CCTV Industry

The CCTV market is growing at a CAGR of 11.7 percent. Intelligent video surveillance is gaining prominence to detect suspicious activities early and prevent the occurrence of crime. To make the most of this rising demand it is imperative to invest in building high-quality innovative solutions. Setting up manufacturing units in India would encourage innovations in the sector.

To Sum Up 

The CCTV market is growing at a rapid pace in India and globally. To meet this demand, it is imperative to manufacture innovative and high-quality Video Surveillance Systems in India. This will help mitigate the cyber vulnerabilities arising from dependencies on Chinese CCTV Cameras. 

Matrix Comsec has always believed that Indian engineers can build world-class solutions and market them to the world. In over three decades of its existence, its engineers have developed more than 60 products in the security and telecom domain and catered to over one million customers.

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